Etiquette is a sincere way of behaving in a group of people. While it helps in socializing better, etiquettes also provide the necessary sophistication and discipline that is required by a human. Similarly, business etiquette in the UAE goes a long way to landing in the good books of your colleagues and clients. When you are meeting people outside your organization you should remain vigilant about your behavior and activities. The UAE is a country of traditions and culture; therefore, it becomes all the more important to know the details of greeting one another. Let us explore some of the top ways to effectively mingle in the crowd on a business trip.

Top business etiquette in the UAE

1. Handshakes

Similar to most of the countries around the world, handshakes are a common and culturally significant form of greeting. Men generally greet each other with a firm handshake that is customary to be respectful. One should also stand up while exchanging handshakes. This physical interaction signifies warmth and openness in communication.

2. Greetings between genders

When interacting with someone of the opposite gender, there is a nuanced approach. Men typically wait for the woman to initiate a handshake. In the absence of a handshake, a nod or a slight bow serves as a respectful alternative, acknowledging the cultural sensitivity around gender interactions.

3. Use of titles

While the first name provides a personal touch, it is better to use the titles of people to maintain professionalism. Additionally, addressing someone with the title holds great importance in Emirati culture. It is customary to address individuals using their titles and last names, showcasing a sense of respect and formality.

4. Punctuality

Punctuality is highly valued in the UAE, reflecting a deep respect for others’ time. Arriving on time for business meetings is a professional expectation. It is also a cultural norm emphasizing the importance of being considerate of others.

5. Initial small talk

Before diving into the business agenda, engaging in small talk during the initial moments of a meeting is always beneficial. This often involves inquiring about the well-being of the other person’s family or expressing genuine interest in their culture. It creates a more personalized and amicable atmosphere.

6. Business cards

The exchange of business cards is a formal and significant part of business etiquette. One should present or receive cards with the right hand or both hands. You should take a moment to examine the received cards before storing them signifies appreciation for the exchange.

7. Respectful tone

Maintaining a respectful and diplomatic tone is essential during conversations. Emiratis value courteous and considerate communication styles, and adopting an approach that avoids confrontation or aggression is key to successful interactions.

8. Conservative attire

Formal Watch

The dress code in the UAE, especially in business and government settings, leans towards modesty and conservatism. Men commonly wear suits, and women are expected to wear subtle attires such as an abaya that covers the shoulders and knees. You should be mindful while wearing Western dresses as it may be disrespectful to the Emirati culture.

9. Gifts with the right hand

Presenting or receiving gifts involves using the right hand or both hands, symbolizing respect and sincerity. One is expected to wait until the giver has left before opening a gift. This practice underscores the importance of privacy and personal connection associated with the act of giving and receiving gifts.

10. Respect for Islamic customs

Being mindful of Islamic customs and traditions is imperative. This includes avoiding scheduling meetings during prayer times (Salah) and showing respect and understanding during the holy month of Ramadan.

11. Respect for hierarchy

Respect for authority and hierarchy is a fundamental aspect of Emirati culture. Addressing senior individuals first and avoiding direct disagreement with those in higher positions demonstrates adherence to hierarchical structures.

12. Building relationships

Building personal relationships is considered crucial for successful business dealings. Socializing outside of the formal work setting is a common practice and contributes significantly to the development of trust, which is a cornerstone in Emirati business culture.

Suggested Read: Business Travel Etiquette That You Should Know On Your Next Trip

Business etiquette in the UAE is one of the most important things that professionals should pay attention to. These behavioral actions help you get better opportunities and secure clients while building lasting relationships.

Business Etiquette In The UAE FAQs

What is business etiquette in the UAE?

Business etiquette in the UAE refers to the cultural norms and practices governing behavior in professional settings.

How do men typically greet each other in business settings in the UAE?

Men commonly greet each other with a firm handshake while standing up as a sign of respect.

Is the use of titles important in business interactions in the UAE?

Yes, using titles is important in maintaining professionalism in the UAE.


Pratyush is a traveling enthusiast who always looks for innovations in business travel management. He has 5 years of experience writing content on corporate travel management and working closely with expert business travel facilitators.