Traveling to foreign lands is exciting and yet somewhat distressing at the same time. While one gets the opportunity to explore new locations, uncertainties at every corner are a tough hurdle to deal with. One such hurdle is choosing the right transport. Car renting is a great option for employees when traveling for business. Car rentals provide the liberty to formulate one’s schedule and add a touch of class to your travel. However, before renting a car in any city or foreign country you should understand the local laws and policies that may govern the whole industry. Therefore, let us see some of the top car rental tips through this blog.

11 enterprise car rental tips and tricks


1. Choose the right size and features

Car rental services provide numerous vehicle options such as economy cars, sports hatchbacks, sedans, luxury SUVs, multi-purpose vehicles, etc. Corporate should find the right fit for their trip purposes. They can explore the options of affordable cars or enhance the experience of travelers with luxury cars. Additionally, the size, features, and passenger capacity also play an essential role when booking a car for business trips.

2. Consider additional driver options

Corporate trips are generally organized in the form of small groups. Therefore, it may be possible that more than one driver can drive the same car. In such cases, you should check for the multiple-driver option provided by the car rental services. The multi-driver programs will help save highly and open potential cost-saving methods.

3. Understand the fuel policy

Before choosing your car rental partner, you should understand their fuel policy. Fuel can easily be manipulated in the case of pre-filled tanks. Rental services may use the fuel meter present on the dashboard of the car to estimate the consumption of the fuel. In case you return the car with half an empty tank or there is a mismatch of the fuel meter before and after you may be refunded or charged extra cost.

4. Inspect the car before driving off

Several car rental applications and organizations ask you to upload inside and outside pictures of the car. However, in any case, you should inspect the car on your own before driving off. You should look out for scratches, dents, and other defects and notify the same of the coordinators. This will eliminate the chances of additional charges that you may encounter for pre-existing damages.

5. Enquire about the insurance coverage

Situations can change in the blink of an eye. Hence, you must be prepared for every ordeal that you can encounter on the road. Ensure that the rental service provides insurance coverage. This will help you avoid potential costs that you may incur whether it is your fault or not.

6. Return the car on time

As a professional, we should respect each other’s time and business. Therefore it is ethical to return the car at the agreed time. Additionally, if you surpass the return time due to some issue, you can request the company to provide you with a relaxed deadline. However, booking made from mobile apps will result in late fees. It may reduce your trust rating as a consumer on the app as well.

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7. Use Enterprise’s mobile app

With the advancement in technology, car rental companies get their mobile applications developed and make them available on various app stores. These apps help in booking the car, opting for various discounts and loyalty programs, receiving updates, accessing roadside assistance, and more.

8. Join the enterprise loyalty program


Most worldwide car rental organizations offer corporate loyalty programs. Though you may have to pay extra sign-up charges the benefits will outlast the expense. The advantages include free rental days, discounts, plus services, faster reservations, and extra support. You will also get rewards and perks with each booking you make.

9. Utilize Enterprise’s customer service

You should ensure to collect customer support numbers and emails before opting for a rental service. Don’t hesitate to get your doubts cleared before or during the services. The support staff will guide you through all of the nitty-gritty of rental bookings.

10. Keep your receipts and documentation

While renting out a car can be easy, getting reimbursement from your organization can be a bit tricky. You will have to hold onto all the receipts, rental agreements, and any other relevant documents until the reimbursement process is fully completed. Further, these slips can also be used in case of any dispute arising with the car rental services while returning the car.

11. Provide feedback

Once you have successfully used the car rental service, you should provide the organizations with the necessary feedback. Constructive feedback will enable the enterprises to enhance their services and reward you with discounts for future rentals.

Renting a car can sound like a lot of work, but with the necessary guidelines and tips, you can easily rent out a car for business travel. The car rental tips and tricks mentioned above will help you find the right fit for your purpose trip and offer excellent flexibility.

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Car Rental Tips FAQs

How can business travel be distressing?

Business travel to an unknown city or country is distressing for any traveler because there can be an infinite number of unknowns and unpredictable to deal with at every point of the trip. Not all of it can be pre-planned and therefore impromptu decision making can come into the play and cause distress.

Why is car-rental a good option for business travelers?

Car rentals are customizable and individuals are free to schedule anything as per their daily or hourly requirements, the booking process is smooth and response is usually prompt and often instantaneous. All of which makes it ideal for business travel.

What are some business trip car rental tips?

Corporates can opt for an car rental enterprise loyalty program for its traveling employees while employees who do recurring travel can also go for an individual program with a car rental service, these do have an initial cost but ensure great service through the service period of the program.

What are some negatives of car rental?

Car rentals are not very economical and environment friendly. A traveler’s experience is very much dependent on the car’s operator on the day and a smooth experience is not guaranteed all the time.


Pratyush is a traveling enthusiast who always looks for innovations in business travel management. He has 5 years of experience writing content on corporate travel management and working closely with expert business travel facilitators.