Corporates pay a huge amount of the travel budget on transport. Though the investment in air travel is necessary, it is important to optimize the expenses and curtail on the expenditure whenever possible. Airliners understand the significance of regular corporate bookings for increased revenue. Therefore, they run various corporate discounts on flights on bulk and individual bookings. Further, getting corporate discounts on flights involves establishing a relationship between your business or organization and the airlines.

Steps to secure corporate discounts on flights

1. Identify travel needs

Understanding the organization’s travel requirements is among the primary aspects to secure business trip discounts. Travel admins should start by conducting a comprehensive analysis of business-related travel patterns. This includes determining the frequency of travel, identifying frequently visited destinations, and assessing the required flexibility related to ticket changes. This step aims to create a custom plan adhering to the organization’s specific travel demands.

2. Contact airlines

Travel admins should ensure proper contact and engagement with airlines. They should identify and reach out to airlines operating in regions frequently. Establish communication with their corporate sales or business development departments, expressing a sincere interest in establishing a corporate discount program. This initial contact sets the stage for a collaborative and mutually beneficial partnership. Opening communication channels will help in establishing long term relationships with the airliners.

3. Negotiate terms

Once in contact with airlines, travel admins can begin the negotiation on corporate rates for flights. Initiate discussions to establish terms for corporate discounts. They should address key factors such as the anticipated volume of business-related travel, the desired duration of the agreement, and any unique requirements or preferences. This negotiation phase is pivotal in crafting a custom and advantageous corporate travel arrangement.

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4. Provide real information

To establish cordial relationships, transparent communication is key. Share pertinent information about your organization during negotiations. This includes details such as the number of employees who frequently travel, the typical travel budget, and any other factors that could influence the negotiation process. Providing comprehensive information helps in promoting collaboration between your organization and the airlines. This contributes to a successful corporate discount program establishment.

5. Explore travel management companies (TMCs)

Engaging with a Travel Management Company (TMC) specializing in corporate travel can significantly enhance your organization’s travel management. TMCs often have well-established relationships with airlines, enabling them to negotiate exclusive corporate rates and streamline the booking process. By leveraging their expertise, your organization can benefit from cost savings, personalized service, and a more efficient travel management system.

Suggested Read: What is Corporate Travel Management Company: A Brief Guide

6. Use corporate booking tools

Corporate Flight Discounts

Travel admins can utilize various corporate booking tools such as Paxes partnered with TMCs and airlines. These tools streamline the reservation process, ensuring that employees can easily access and utilize discounted rates. Implementing comprehensive training programs to familiarize employees with these tools promotes consistency, efficiency, and adherence to the organization’s travel policies.

7. Implement travel policies

Establishing clear and comprehensive travel policies is crucial for maintaining order and consistency. Clearly define procedures for booking flights, utilizing corporate codes, and adhering to other relevant guidelines. A well-structured travel policy not only ensures compliance but also provides a framework for effective cost control and risk management.

8. Employee communication

Communication plays a crucial role in the success of a corporate travel program. Admins should communicate the availability of corporate discounts to employees through various channels. Ensure that employees are well-informed about the proper procedures for booking flights, using corporate codes, and taking advantage of negotiated rates. Establish a culture of awareness and participation in the corporate travel program.

9. Monitor and evaluate

Travel admins should regularly monitor the corporate discount program is essential for gauging its effectiveness. Evaluate factors such as cost savings, employee satisfaction, and overall travel arrangement efficiency. Conducting periodic reviews allows the organization to identify areas for improvement, make necessary adjustments, and ensure that the program aligns with evolving business objectives.

10. Review and renew agreements

Maintain a proactive approach by periodically reviewing existing agreements with airlines. This involves assessing the performance of the current arrangements and, if necessary, initiating renegotiations to secure competitive terms. Regular reviews and renewals ensure that your organization continues to receive the best possible corporate discounts. This helps in adapting to changes in travel dynamics and market conditions.

Corporate discounts on flight help in establishing long term relationships and obtain better rates on business travel. Travel admins should form comprehensive procedures for booking flights, securing better corporate fares in flight, analyzing expenses, and optimizing future travel.

Corporate Discounts On Flights FAQs

What are the steps to obtain corporate discounts on flights?

Identify travel needs, contact airlines, negotiate deals, review and renew contracts.

Why are travel policies important?

Travel policies help in understanding the budget of each trip and hence lookout for appropriate discounts.

Why is reviewing contracts important for better discounts?

Travel admins can review the contracts to secure discounts and negotiate better with the suppliers due to enhanced relations.


Pratyush is a traveling enthusiast who always looks for innovations in business travel management. He has 5 years of experience writing content on corporate travel management and working closely with expert business travel facilitators.