Traveling is no less than a necessity nowadays. But there are a lot of issues associated while traveling in an airplane, whether big issues like loss of baggage or simpler ones like airplane ears. Though it sounds simpler, it sometimes can be very irritating to roam around with half-blocked ears. It’s even painful during the takeoff and landing and forces you to block your ears with your hands. Such pain occurs due to stress on the eardrum when the air pressure around the middle ear and the pressure in the environment are off balance. Therefore it is essential to know how to unblock ears after flight and prevent it from happening at the first place.

What is Barotrauma?

As defined in the medical terms, barotrauma is a condition where body suffers injury due to change in the atmospheric pressure. Ears are more susceptible to such changes. They show numerous symptoms such as ear pain in airplane to tell the mind that they have incurred an injury due to change in the atmospheric pressure.


If you just took a flight and have the below symptoms, there is a possibility that you have airplane ears:

  • Mild or moderate pain and discomfort in your ears
  • Muffled or echoed hearing
  • Stuffiness feeling in your years

Airplane ear treatment


Prevention is better than cure. Try these measures you can perform during your flight to avoid the airplane ears in the first place:

1. Yawning or chewing something

By keeping the mouth muscles active during takeoff and landing prevents such pain in the ears. One can try yawning or chewing a piece of gum during ascending and descending of the flight.

2. Covering your ear

One can even try to block both ears using an earplug. This helps in slowly equalizing the air pressure in the airplane cabin and the ear. Listening to music through earphones might also help.

3. Avoid air travel during cold and ear infections

One must reconsider their travel plans especially if they have a cold, sinus infection, or some kind of ear infection. They must take necessary precautions while in flight if it can’t be avoided.

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How to unblock ears after flight

It becomes challenging to enjoy a trip with that strange feeling of blocked ears after a flight. Below are some secret hacks you should know about how to pop your ears after a flight:

1. Valsalva Maneuver

This is the most effective method to get your auditory senses back. All you need to do is pinch your nose and close your mouth, then slowly blow the air. Repeat this trick several times to get the best results. This helps in equalizing the air pressure in your ear and around the environment.

2. Toynbee Maneuver

This method is similar to the above method. For this, you again need to pinch your nose and take some sips of water. Swallowing the water opens certain tubes that pass through the middle ear which suppresses the air and balances out the air pressure.

3. Try steaming

Steam can also help in unblocking your ears just like it helps in unblocking your nose during a cold. You can buy a steamer and use a towel to cover your head to allow steam to pass through your ears. You can also boil some water and use it for steam. Be careful not to touch the boiling water while steaming.

4. Consult a doctor

If any of the above methods are not working and the pain lasts for more than two days, you should immediately consult your doctor. There might be some complications that you definitely shouldn’t ignore and seek proper treatment.


Airplane ear is a common thing that can happen to anyone during a flight. One must not panic in such situations and should know how to unblock ears after flight and try to do that. If the problem persists, one must consult a specialist. Remember to take necessary precautions while boarding your flight and follow the instructions of the flight attendants during the flight. The air pressure changes very fast during ascending and descending of the flight, so make sure that you’re active and not sleeping at this time. Try the above-mentioned hacks during your next flight and enjoy your awaited holidays to the full extent without any blocked ears.

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How To Unblock Ears After Flight FAQs

Where to find earplugs for a flight?

Most airlines already carry earplugs for their passengers. So you can just ask the flight attendant. You can also buy earplugs from any medical shop near your house or at the airport.

How to prevent children from having airplane ears?

Try giving your kids a bottle or a pacifier to encourage swallowing. Don’t let them sleep during the takeoff and landing of the aircraft.

Are there any medicines one can take to prevent airplane ears?

Yes, you can take decongestant pills if you don’t want to take any risks. Although, consult your doctor before taking any medicine and ask them for prescriptions.

When should one consult a doctor?

If you have severe pain in your ears even after 2 days of landing, you should immediately consult an ENT specialist.


Pratyush is a traveling enthusiast who always looks for innovations in business travel management. He has 5 years of experience writing content on corporate travel management and working closely with expert business travel facilitators.